Tips for a Truly Green Christmas

Hey, the holidays are here… did you know that Americans throw away 25% more garbage than usual during the holidays? Americans throw away 25 million tons of garbage during the holiday season (that’s Thanksgiving to New Year’s)!

If every household would use reused materials for wrapping their presents, it would save enough paper to cover 45,000 football fields. Holiday Season can give joy to people but unfortunately, it also harms the environment and nobody wants to hurt Mother Earth, especially not during Christmas.

We’ve got some tips here on how to avoid holiday waste this holiday season!

How to Reduce Waste During the Holidays

  • Buy environmentally-smart presents
  • Give homemade gifts: cookies, jam, or a plant!
  • Give the gift of time; make time to be with loved ones
  • Buy your loved ones a restaurant gift card, concert, theatre or movie tickets.
  • Memberships and subscriptions make great presents
  • Buy less food and keep track of leftovers.
  • Compost leftover food that you don’t eat anymore.

Happy Holidays from BWRS!