Reuse Your Shopping Bags

Reuse Your Shopping Bags

Alameda County Bag Law Ordinance Have you heard about the Reusable Bag Law for retail stores in Alameda County? For those of you shopping at your local grocery store and are wondering “Why are there different bag purchasing options?” Previously, we used single...
Zero Waste Valentine’s Day

Zero Waste Valentine’s Day

Give love, Not Waste Reduce the amount of stuff you buy on Valentine’s Day. Commit to spending your time and not your money. Just imagine how much unnecessary packaging we have to deal with. 7 Ways to Celebrate a Zero Waste Valentine’s Day The Potted Plants...
2019 Recycling Resolutions

2019 Recycling Resolutions

Will You Accept the Challenge? As the new year starts BWRS prepares 5 simple and easy recycling resolutions to do. Here are some of the most simple and easy recycling resolution. Simple and easy yet the impact is huge. Don’t put wood in recycling, it’s...
What to do with Holiday Waste?

What to do with Holiday Waste?

5 Tips to do on Your Stuff after Christmas Don’t know what to do with your holiday waste? Planning to throw out some unwanted gifts? PLEASE DON’T! Most unwanted presents, wrapping paper and greeting cards end up in the garbage and then they eventually pile up in...